Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pomegranate, pomegranate and more pomegranate!


As we are learning about Rosh Hashana, we have been discussing the various different foods that appear on our Holiday table. One of which is the pomegranate. We talked about how pomegranate has a sweet taste and there are many seeds in it. That is exactly why we eat it on Rosh Hashana! We want to do so many good deeds in our upcoming year!

We enjoyed exploring pomegranate in many different ways:

We brought it into our art center!
Some friends used them as stamps

Some friends squeezed them and used the juice as ink

We got to get a close up on the inside and pluck all the seeds out of it

It also made an appearance in our sensory bin for our friends to touch, squeeze and taste :)

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